Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday the Last of September

Cancellations from Phatboy and RubberLips, so Buggz, Dozer, Mellonpharmacist, Silverfox, the Cook and Tinks met at Upper Major Hornbrook.  Up Britten, and around the tussock-hidden-rocky singletrack, down the road, up Mt Pleasant singletrack, all climbing well.  Big regroup at the top, then into the descent.  Fun fun fun.  First rocky sections were good, gliding over them, then into the tussocks, swooping from bend to bend, total groove and flow, one or two missed corners...  Regroup again above the ruins, and then headed on down.  Bony upper half and a few scratchy corners, but no one lost too much traction.  Flowing and pumping around to the 'gulch through the humpy bits and paused and hung for another regroup.  Back into the descent, heaps of speed on the rocky start then flying through all the swoopy corners, some catching air on the humps and one screaming at the sheep to get out of the way.  Scratchy drifts around into Dave's section, hooning down this and around the bends.  Through the bit that's been so grovelly over winter, pumping, around into the wee valley.  Mellonframer paused here til the others appeared around the hillside, then got going again, flying, into the first rocky up, both him and Buggs mis-gearing this - foot on a rock, push, and rolled onwards.  Into the next up and swoopy swoopy down to the end.  Then a cruise up the road, slowly leaving the Cook behind, but at the big pines everyone dropped into their granny gears and rolled nice and slow til he caught up, then it was onwards up round the bends and into Britten, still enough light to see by.  Total blast on this descent, flying down the trail. Over the fence, good-byes said all before 8pm.

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