Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tuesday 23rd September

Bugs rode to Rubberjaws place who wasn't riding and meet up with The Cook. Shortly afterwards Silverfox and Tinkerbell arrived in the van followed by Dozer on his bicycle. After a short discussion on where to ride we headed over to Rapaki where we started at a slow pace until the gate where a couple took off some jackets. Continued up at a faster pace enjoying the views we had most of the way. Had a rolling regroup before the last steeper bit. Arrived at the top still with no lights on. Wind was picking up and getting colder so after the last person arrived we turned on lights and headed up over Mt Vernon. Into the Traverse until the 1st rocky bit then sharp right and down towards the top of Huntsbury. Down the rutted 4wd track to the top of Old School Bowenvale. Dozer lead down Bowenvale followed by Bugs, Tinkerbell, The Fox then The Cook. Most had a great ride down except for The Cook who had a small crash when one wheel slid out. All was fine though. Regroup at the bottom then down the gravel road to the bottom. Quick stop at The Brick Works for pint and a few hot chips. Dozer headed his way while the others when back to Ruberjaws. Bugs and The Cook continued on to there places while The fox and Tinkerbell drove home from there.

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