Monday, September 22, 2014

Saturday 20th September

Everyone was either working, away or  busy with something so I set off for a ride by myself.  The plan was to start early but I got a later start than I wanted.  The ride became a non stop sprint.  I headed out and down Radley St to Linwood Ave.  Through Bromley Cemetry and out onto Pages Rd eventually, past Dozers rebuild.  Down around Vancouver cress onto Ottawa Rd then Avonside Dr along the rugged stopbank to the Burwood Bridge.  Down to Travis Rd. left then right following Burwood Rd then into finally into Bottle Lake Park.  I have not been out there for a few years and as I rode I discovered a few changes. My plan was to go through the center and do a half loop but the center has changed a bit.   Anyhow I pushed as hard as I could ending up pretty much at Spencerville.  Not all the way but nearly.  I found myself then coming back along the beach which we never used to ride very often and finally back onto the old beach track that we did ride often.  Along here to the park at the end of beach Rd and then sprinted down to the planting at Travis.  Lungs and legs burning.  Planted for 2 hours, bbq then homeward bound.  Travis Rd then left to  the Burwood Bridge then roght along the stop bank into a head wind basically reversing my outward trip.  Pumped hard all the way and felt reasonably stuffed by time I got home.  Showered and then out for the afternoon.

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