Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Tuesday 23rd March

Meeting point was top of Huntsbury. A few pulled out for various reasons. Bug's arrived at the top followed by Dozer then Phatboy. The Cook arrived after that. Dozer speed on up while the others chatted. Headed up at a average pace with the Cook going well at the start. Thing's slowed for him as well got further up the Hill. Dozer was still leading with Phatboy catching him slowly. Bug's held back and rode with the Cook. 3 trail bikes speed past us all about 3/4 way up leaving us all in dust n stones. The Cook and Bugs arrived at the top where the others had rested. After letting a few riders go though we headed off across the Traverse. Phatboy leading followed by Bug's, Dozer and the The Cook. Caught 2 ladies before the 1st rocks, they let us sneak though then we caught a couple of guys half way around to the pond. Bug's n Dozer stopped to let them get a lead when one of Bug's mates arrived behind. We speed off catching the two guy's before the pond. Got past them then raced all the way to the pines. Phatboy was waiting there. We stopped followed by Bug's mate n his wife. Then there mates arrived and there was about 15 of us chatting at the pines. The Cook arrived and we all decided to head onwards. Most dropped down into Vic park while the 4 of us headed towards Dyers road. Headed up towards the Nun with The Cook doing the lower half then heading towards the cars. The other 3 continued up to the top. Straight into the down with Phatboy having to stop and unlock his front forks. Bug's got the lead with Dozer hot on his heals. Raced down here trying to keep ahead of Phatboy. Raced all the way to the bottom where Phatboy caught up. Up the road then into the Traverse. Phatboy pulling ahead of the others as we worked our way around. Regroup before dropping down the 4wd track to the single track though the paddocks on Huntsbury. The Cook was waiting at the fence. Light was fading fast as we picked our way though the paddocks around all the fresh sheep shit and the odd cow shit. Arrived at the cars just as it was getting too dark to see. Great ride on a nice warm evening. Lights next time.

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