Monday, December 15, 2014

Sunday 14th December

Phatboy, Tinkerbell and Silverfox rode over to my place and then the four of us headed around the river via Hansens Park and then on towards Huntsbury.  Just before heading up Ramahana Rd we had Dozer waiting.  Up the hill with a breif pause on Aotea Cres before continuing.  I got a call as we heading up the hill while the others continued.  Chased them but did not catch them until the  regroup at the top of the tarmac.  Chugged on from here until the summit where we  were met by Sandals and SeeDee (Chris).  As we were going to start the trek over Vernon Phatboy hears air escaping from his front tyre.  This stops with a quick pump so I led over Vernon.  Lots of people coming from Rapaki so it was not a really fluent run but still ok.  Then we headed over Witch Hill which was more fun.  Regrouped at the end before Sandals led off towards Castle Rock.  I caught her and the others joined in at their leisure.  Castle Rock and I had a bit of a lead so I headed straight into the downhill.  Loved it and flowed pretty well.  Cleaned the lot and we regrouped at the top of the Bridal Path.  Phatboy and Tinkerbell coming in not long after me.  Silverfox had got a puncture so we waited for him and chatted with Mad Dave.  In fact we listened to Mad Dave for way to long.  We then headed back the way we came.  Sandals led off but dabbed in the first rocks so we all past her.  Good run up here with only 2 dabs for me.  One on each of the hairpins.  Cleaned the rest including the stinky bit near the top.  Regrouped and headed down towards Witch Hill.  As we started theis Phatboy got another puncture so had to stop and reinflate.  We decided to regroup at Rapaki as more to look at.  It was crowded at the top.  Up and over Vernon with a quick regroup at the start of the Traverse.  Due to time constraints we decided to come down Old Skool.  I led off around Traverse and then down towards Old Skool.  Did not get the line and went off piste, what a wild ride.  Phatboy flatted yet again and after waiting for a seal discovered more than one hole leaking air and fluid.  Time to put in a tube.  Down the hill staying on the zigs and zags.  Good run down here and thewn at the first fence we let Phatboy take the lead.  Dozer, Tinkerbell, me then Silverfox followed in a tight group for a fantastic run down.  Regrouped and then slowly the group split with first Dozer pulling out then at the end of Bowenvale another 4 left leaving just Phatboy and me.  Then Phatboy split and I did the last run home by myself.  Great mornings ride.

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