Sunday, October 21, 2012

21st October

Dozer, Tinkerbell, Silverfox and I met at mine and then we trundled up Crapaki Track.  Very warm morning and a realistic grinding pace all the way.  At the top we had a little breather before taking on the next grind up.  I followed Silverfox thru here and it was sweet.  No dabs and surprised him how close I was at the end.  Up and over the next section before hitting the Traverse at pace.  Quick blast with a 30 second stop before going into the Pines at the top of Vic and down towards the Rock garden.  Thru the Rock garden and then down thru the gums at pace.  Finally cleaned that steep gnarly corner.  Down Shazzas and into dark old Brents.  new lines at pace before heading down Bridges Flo etc.  Nice run all the way.  We all realised how tough the local tracks are really as they are not all groomed, or smooth like many done on the trip.  A lot more rocks and roots.  We were at the bottom and out by 10.45.  nice blast then a stop for coffees, juices and a wee nibble.  Followed that up with a ride with my girl Grace around the river in the afternoon.

1 comment:

swtchbckr said...

sweeet as!!! legs will have been feeling good from the trip training i spose!? sounds good. I was at the bach with no bike. :(