Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday 23nd May

weather being as it has been hills had a big fat closed sign on them, and so Rubberjawn and Phatboy decided to watch a 3am game of rugby. Mellonfarmah'd had a bit of a late night himself, so was a bit sluggish when the phone rang at 8.30 and those two were out front of his house, still a bit merry, ready to go. route followed Linwood Ave, Linwood Drain, Hargood St to Ferry Rd, then along trails on the south side of the Heathcote all the way to the Cut, over a footbridge, northbank crossing Tunnel Rd to the southbank again, then round the tracks to Ferrymead, to the bridge, then back round behind the industria and onto Charlesworth St. Nice fresh air feeding our addled brains... rolled in to the Trees For Canterbury planting, guiding and assisting 60 odd people, including a couple of the PFMTBrs, 2000 plants, and a coupla saussies, afterwhich the cycling three cycled back up Linwood Ave, Linwood Drain, Linwood Ave home.

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