Monday, June 6, 2011

Saturday the 4th June

Hopped up to numerous messages telling me who was not riding. Bummed out a bit as it meant when we got to the tree planting i had to work harder and I was already in agony with my back. Mellonfarmer and Texas were the only 2 to show up. We headed up Gruntsbury. Me struggling with pain and it just seemed harder than ever. Finally got to the top and headed around the traverse. Things seeming a bit better but still not as quick as i could. Down Thompson's and then a squeeze through the no go zone on Summit Rd. Started heading up towards Marley's when I stopped and checked my wheels. Found that after putting in new pads the brakes had not been backed off. could not even get 1 complete revolution out of my back wheel. Corrected this and hey presto felt much better already. Damage had been done though and I was stuffed. Got up to the planting and Mellonfarmer stayed to plant 10 trees before heading off. Texas and I stayed on until the end. left about 2.30 and headed down Marley's. had a good flight, nice and loose all the way. Stopped briefly at sign of Kiwi then down below Dyers we went. Loose, slippery and sketchy but oh so much fun. From here we went down the road before riding into the wind. Just what was needed. All in all a success.

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