Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Sunday 2010

Time to work off the Easter Eggs. I was expecting Dozer and a friend, Nigel as everyone was away or had advised they were out. Twopot showed up with a mate, who's name I forget sorry. I was surprised. Nigel's bike is a Kona Stinky about 50lb. He used to ride in Auckland and has never ridden since arriving down here. Oh dear how was he going to ride up. He tried and failed but he pushed it all the way. We headed up Rapaki at an easy pace due to Nigel. Nobody on the track as it was cool and overcast. Heard from the Lone Wolf who was out for a ride. About a third of the way we hit drizzle but plowed on. We soon got passed the weather and reached the summit. Twopot was a wee bit tired as he had not been uphill for a while. I led off feeling fresh as a daisy, pumped hard and cleaned the lot. Twopots mate and Dozer following then the others. Dozer had an off but I missed that. Regrouped at the road above Bowenvale. Gave some directions to a bunch of Japanese riders who were heading out to Godley off road. They were gonna struggle due to the wind. Blasted around the traverse, stopped to show Nigel the Lavas Flow then blasted off again, feeling really good, hitting everything well and using the gravity Dropper on the downhill sections. Sweeeet. Piss stop above Vic the around to Marleys. Twopot and Nigel pushing up the track while we others rode round. Turns out that twopot rode most of it. Then down we went. Nigel coming into his own, whooping and hitting things but I rode hard and loved it. Up we went to the top of Vic. Down again, Nigel doing two runs so he could hit the jump again. Down Dazzas and into Brent's, I hit jumps through here feeling so good. Round Bridges etc and I did the steep section and the Hospital drop. Cool. Up the hidden track and down Bowenvale. Got a bit worried as Nigel went missing coming down. He missed a corner and down a bank. No injury but grass caught in his full face helmet. Cruised on home all happy.

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