Monday, December 18, 2017

Sunday 17th December

A big posse of Mcgyver, Mellonfarmer, Phatboy, The Cook, Dozer, Silverfox, Tinkerbell, The Lovely Jenna and myself set off in the heat for a bit of fun.  We made our way around to Huntsbury and started to climb.  Any shade was good as the heat was really starting to hit and no breeze.  Steadyish climb, but not a fast pace up the tarmac.  In the shade at the top most regrouped and enjoyed the shade.  I slowed right down but did not stop as I was a snail.  Continued on up, Mcgyver caught me and then took a few lads off the main track to come across the airfield while the rest of us stayed on the main track.  Grind grind.  The heat was intense at the top and we all gathered in the shade along the road as and when we arrived.  Decided to change the ride plan to avoid the excess climbing. Over Vernon we went and then Witch Hill.  Jenna doing the road and giving it a nudge along towards Castle Rock. Mellonfarmer punctured on Witch Hill.  Down Castle Rock we went then The Cook clipped a rock and over he went.  A bit of face damage but no broken bits.  Continued on and a regroup in the shade at the top of Bridal Path.  Onwards to John Brittain and then into Old Greenwood taking the left hand line down to the Pines.  Jenna did this track also.  Then we headed down the line towards Clifton Hill.  Dozer did a whoopsie and twisted his bars (a quick fix).  Continued on down with Macgyver leaving the track briefly and then out onto Canon Hill. Panorama Drive before cutting down towards Mulgans Track and then it was a road ride back to the Ferrymead Bridge.  Then some lady ran Silverfox down by turning into him at the lights.  Mellonfarmer and Phatboy headed home while the rest of us headed around the towpath and to Twisted hop for water, food and drinks.  Home after this.  A very hot ride.

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