Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Tuesday 29th December

The last ride for most of us for the year.  Felt tired and crappy but still loaded up and drove to Upper Major Hornbrook.  Silverfox was waiting and we were soon joined by Tinkerbell and his Fair Maiden.  Then along came Dozer.  We rode along and climbed the fence.  Dozer taking and shortcut and getting a good lead.  The Fair Maiden decided to go and start with out us.  The Cook arrived and Tinkerbell waited while Silverfox and I then headed off to catch the others who were waiting before the 2nd hairpin.  We all then started the climb Dozer leading, The Fair Maiden, myself, Silverfox. Tinks and The Cook.  Up and up we went at a fairly steady pace, me showing the others the nice turn into Upper mjor Hornbrook.  From here we headed around and crossed the road onto the New Mt Pleasant Connecter track.  Nice little push up to the top.  very warm and no wind.  At the top regroup we waited for the Cook but no show.  Then I got a text saying to go ahead.  His back had been playing up all week and it was a miracle he was even there.  He rode by himself to the top then reversed direction heading back down and home.  Meanwhile we continued down having a great blast. Fair Maidens seat did a shift thing causing her to make a small noise.  Tinks fixed that by playing with her seat in front of us all.  We then headed back out upper Greenwood to the road.  Nice run through here.  Up the road and into Broadleaf Lane.  Grunt Grunt to the mt Pleasant Track.  nice blast down, me leading having fun.  Clipped a rock on the way causing a bit of arse tightening.  Back to the top of John Brittain.  Tinks and his Maiden went down the steep and climbed back up the road.  I led into John brittain taking everyone around the front track and rejoining just above the hairpi.  Then it was down at a good clip, me leading and locking up on a couple of corners, sliding nicely into one of them.  Chatted and took photos at the cars before heading home.

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