Monday, July 6, 2015

Sunday 5th July

After a good sleep I went outside and hooked up with the Silverfox.  We rode around towards Ferrymead along the usual route collecting Bugs at the footbridge before winding our way to the Ferrymead Bridge where we hooked up with Dozer and Sandals.  I was the paceman as we climbed up St Andrews, Marama, St Andrews and eventually coming out at Upper Major Hornbrook.  I then led off up the single track but Bugs, Dozer and Sandals took the shortcut  with Bugs and Dozer getting in front of me.  We regrouped at the hairpin before I led off to the gate and the climb up Broadleaf Lane.  Sandals does not do Broadleaf so she rode down and started the climb up and over the Gondola Track.  The shingle above Broadleaf seemed better and the rest of us attained the top in quick order.  Rugged up a bit as it was blowing a cold breeze up here.  Bugs led them me, Dozer and the Fox.  Good roll down here in the wind.  We then re-ordered ourselves for the climb over Gondola Hill.  Bugs leading then Dozer.  At one point I look up just in time to see Bugs somersaulting down the hill.  He had toppled off.  He looked okay so we continued on.  Track was greasy in places.  Dozer would get a hairpin and I wouldn't or I would get one and he wouldn't.  Reached the top after passing through 2 lots of gates and started the downhill.  Greasy but fun.  I waited a bit halfway as the Fox was missing for a bit.  We then finished the last section.  Regrouped at the top of Bridal Path.  I had an appointment so I headed down here while the others continued on their way.

My trip down was fast.  Slowed whenever I saw walkers (and there were lots).  Some people obviously did not like me riding their track.  Got home quickly while the others...

... headed up the Castle Hill single track. We haven't traveled this way very often. Bug's lead with Dozer and the Fox not far behind. Sandals was bringing up the rear. We all had the odd dab but managed most of the track. Regroup at the top of Castle Hill where Bug's meet some friends from the Heaphy trip. After a chat we continued on down the tarsel heading towards Rapaki. Decided to give Witch Hill a miss as there was a working Bee going on there and heaps of people there digging away. Past Rapaki and up Mt Vernon. Nice ride up here with Bug's getting a small lead. Another regroup then into the Traverse. Wind was strong and cold. Dozer lead followed by Bugs then The Fox and Sandals. Bug's took the rocky track to the left before the lava flow letting The Fox sneak past. After the Lava flow Dozer had a small mishap on a wet rock that let The Fox take the lead, Bug's snuck past as well. Nice pace to the half way point. Still a cold wind so Bug's took the lead and managed to chase down a group of 5 slower riders just before the down hill to the top of Vic park. Waited just past the cattle stop for them to get to Vic Park then headed down at speed. The Fox was close behind. Regroup in the trees as it was out of the wind. Bug's knee was getting sore from the earlier miss hap. Might need some further investigating. Headed down the rock garden with the 3 boys close together. Sandals took her own Root and we all meet at the skidder site. Down Shazza's which we all enjoyed. Headed the rest of the way down with Bug's sneaking past the Fox when he got a little lost on which track to take. Everyone was enjoying the down hill so we headed up the hidden valley and onto Bowenvale track. Bug's lead down with the rest chasing. Some areas in the shade were muddy and slippy. Sandals found it quite scary in places. Regroup at the bottom then off to Kazza's for a coffee. The Fox headed home at 1pm as he was late, Sandals headed to her place. Bug's n Dozer rode across town to there places. Great long ride which we all enjoyed. As I type this my Knee (Bug's) has swollen and won't bend so it could be a trip to see the Doc tomorrow.   

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