Monday, May 19, 2014

Sunday 18th May

An early 8.15 start as  we had a planting starting at 10am.  Silverfox, Mellonfarmer, Tinkerbell, Dozer and I were all ready and as we gave up on Phatboy he sent a text saying he will meet us at Ferrymead Bridge.  We set off at a steady pace towards Ferrymead.  Following the usual route to the towpath and the singletrack around the river.  met Phatboy, delayered and headed up St Andrews, Marama and Canon Hill to the park.  Phatboy, Mellonfarmer and I setting a good pace.  Rolling regroup in the park and a full regroup at the park on Major Hornbrook before heading up to the park at Clearview.  We then negotiated the rutted steep track down to the road, the challenge being not to skid before a fast blast down to the top of McCormacks Bay track.  This was horrendously wet with a lot of skill testing to get us down.  I gotta admit to a few dabs.  After the bridge it got a little better but then there was also a major slip to negotiate also.  After that it was quick as you hit the gravel of the final fast stretch.  Down with time to spare so we headed back around the towpath, Mellonfarmer sliding hard on the footbridge and nearly taking himself out...but not quite.  Arrived at the planting where we did a solid 2 hours work before heading home again.  Nice mornings effort.

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