Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday 22nd July

A foggy cool morning but Tinkerbell and mellonfarmer arrived and we set off in the vano to Dot Com.  Surprised by seeing Dozer and Bugs.  Our smallish Posse set off up Richmond Hill grunty Rd.  mellonfarmer on his no suspension anywhere singlespeed.  He had to walk quitre a bit up here.  The rest of us treated our bikes like a singlespeed and engaged granny to the  top.  Pleasantly surprised by the speed we maintained all the way.  Got back into the cloud/fog at the top of the farm track and so coated up at the road.  Fog got thicker as we rode to the start of greenwood.  Not a bad blast for the first section although the rocks were a tad slippery and my glasses fogged up.  Set off down the hill stopping for me to put my glasses in the bag.  Sketchy in some sections and I scared myself silly once or twice.  Lower we got the faster we got.  From Evans we climbed up the first leg of Godley before dropping down the farm track to the road.  We followed Mellonfarmer down a track before climbiung a stile into the walking track down to the Taylors rd.  Good singletrack down and seemed really long.  from the road a quick grind up then down to Dot Com.  great  ride.

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