Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday 12th february

Drove over and picked up Silverfox and Sandals beofre heading out to kennedys Bush. Hooked up with Phatboy, Dozer, Tinkerbell and Mellonfarmer. mellonfarmer had to leave early so he had already been up for a loop. We headed in from the carpark and took the trail immediatelyt to the left. I had never been up here and I was surprised by how bloody steep it got. Pleasantly surprised by how good I climbed. Decided that my diet may in fact be helping me. Climbed up and then shot down the other side coming out by the bottom of the Crocidile. headed around and up the steep walk track on the other side. Once again we all climbed this well. Stopped and had a chat before doing the final Zig Zag to the road. Up we went overe then fence and into the single track still going up. One dab on the steep section (and I hear we all dabbed here) and then a fast run down Siberia. Oops where was Sandals. Tinks headed up one side and I headed up the four wheel drive to see if we could see her. I looked back and everyone was heading up the singletrack so I continued my way to the top. mellonfarmer eventually came out and as time was not on his side he wwent off towards the cars and home. All the others came up and we sorted an order and headed down. it was a good run. I was on Tinkerbells rear wheel and the dust was kicking up. Thought ok Rubberjaws back off a bit then I hit the track edge slid on some cow shit, went over the handlebars and thumped firmly into the ground. oooopppsss fuck. The others all stopped to check on me. I was a bit sore everywhere and after a while we all headed down, me tail ending. Regrouped at the top of Crocodile. Then headed down. Me not quite so fast. Sandals had tyre issues and I was feeling quite sore so we went back to the cars and waited while the others did another loop. Sandals then put on coffee for the boyz. Great day and the gtreat knews is that I am fine. Bruising and feeling sad I fell off.

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