Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday 14th November

Bugs and Tinkerbell met me and we headed up Gruntsbury. It was hot and humid all the way. Passed a group of oldies walking near the top and asked for a push. I actually got one. Arrived and waited for Sandals and Helmut before heading on around Vernon. Nice flow, then up over Witch Hill before starting up towards Castle Rock. A bit cooler by now due to the incoming Southerly. Castle rock came and went before meeting the Lone Wolf/Goat/Hubby at the top of Bridal Path. Cruised around into John Britten before blasting into Greenwood. Stopped for a snack at the ruins then I led off followed by Tinks. Just past first real rocky section Tinks punctured. Stopped and repaired and watched some weedy guy fall off while offering to help all of us fix Tinks puncture. We then headed down stopping half way for a regroup. I was texting when some of the others took off. Tinks, Bugs and I looked up to see Weedy guy fall off amongst rocks. Thought about helping but his runner mates went to the rescue. We continued on down, then down Ct Thomas where Tinks got another Puncture. Fixed this and then down and headed towards home. Some of us stopped for coffee at WAC. Sandals and Helmut actually bused home from here with their bikes. :) All in all a good ride.

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