Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday 20th September

finally I get back out on the bike. It has been too damn long and the guys seem to have enjoy poking fun at me about it. But now the revenge of someone finally writing a decent blog.

Anyhow Silverfox and Helmut arrived at mine for the long ride out to Scumner into the wind. Not a bad effort around the river but then The Fox started to drop off over the causeway. We found that mellonfarmer needed a lift over to the redcliffs side cos he was not up to riding maybe. :). Nah not really Tracey was just being nice me thinks. Hooked up with Tinkerbell and geez outside Dot Com and then slogged it up Richmond Hill Rd and then into the shingle of the sub division. Not a bad effort by those young bucks as they managed to just stay ahead of me. Then onto the sheep trail around the farm and over the fence , up and up over another fence or 2 and then there we were at the top. Cool breeze blowing as we rode the short stretch to the start of Greenwood. Sorted we were so straight into it. The guys stopped for a bite and a change of clothes so I carried on down. Nice run, flowed it well and noticed a few repairs on the track. Stopped to check out where the others were and saw MF coming so I carried on down. Got to the road and MF was not far behind followed by Helmut etc. MF had a wee tweek of his rear cluster and straight into Godley. Nobody cleaned the first section but Helmut and MF sure gave it all they had twice. Carried on around and we all seemed to flow quite nicely and then the charge down the Snake. Got good air and gave it all I had. Alas the air started to escape my tire so a quick blow and I was going again. From Taylor's a nice leisurely pace over Scarborough and down Whitewash and back to Dot Com for coffee. Tire was going down again. darn thing. J9 and Grace shared a hot choc with us and then back for the ride home. Tire deflated by Shag rock so got a lift with the girls.

All in all a good day. Trip is coming up quickly. Looking forward to it.

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