Monday, May 11, 2009

Saturday 9th May

A day that was fine for a change and a chance to ride. We were riding on a Saturday this week cos of Mothers Day. Lucky for us as it was just a tad wet on Sunday. None of the good tracks were open and we decided that the top of Rapaki would be shit now that they have turned it into a mud we choice to go up Huntsbury. Now this is one of the ways we use to gain access to the top. Geez, Tinkerbell and Bugs met at mine for a late start of 9.30ish. We started up the road and the first couple of straights were good then it steepened a bit and then a bit more. It eased off for a while and we had a wonderful view across the city. I pointed out where the tarmac used to finish and then took on the last steep tarmac at the top. Off road we went and at the second gate we went off piste for about 100m. This was due to the clay track being steep and very slick which was to much to tackle. The grass was at least holding together. After this it was shingle track all the way to the top. Pleasant ride and I think more enjoyable than Rapaki. Might use this access more often. At the top it was tarmac all the way to Sumner. We did this in good time. I was impressed by how well we all rode. I even stood in the pedals at some sections of up and used bigger gears all the way. At the top of John Britten we stopped and geared up for the downhill run. It was going to be cold as the previous two short downhills proved. Quite a few roadies passed us while we were stopped. I had on a face mask to keep the cold out. We started the run. Tinks led off followed by me. We caught a Ginga roadie chick and while tinks enjoyed the view I passed them both and kept up the charge pedalling hard out whenever I could. Tinks put in a chase never passed though. (do i sound like mellonfarmer). So a roadie way up ahead and decided to chase them down, caught them at Evans Pass. Tinks and I just kept going and passed the roadie at the first bend and went hard. I led again (as Mellonfarmer would say) but Tinks passed me at the bend. I was not having that and so I charged hard and passed him. I would say it was possibly the quickest I have ever come down there. We cruised until 1st Geez and then Bugs caught up. The roadie went passed and gave whoop of acknowledgement for our effort. Stopped for coffee at Dot Com. J9 and Grace joint us.

The ride home was gonna just be a cruise and was until Shag rock. A roadie couple passed us and he gave us a look of contempt. I rode for a while thinking about it and the at Redcliff shops I decided that I was pissed by this. I pushed into top gear, stood in the pedals and gave chase. Tinks just said, See ya. Bugs held on a we rode hard. Caught the roadies 50m into the causeway and was just drafting. The plan was to bide my time and pass them at the end, but his phone rung and they stopped. Pissed me off but we kept pushing. Slowed at the end and waited for the other 2 to catch us, which was Ferrymead shops. Cruised home from here. A bloody good ride and challenged myself. I was a little pleased. Especially cos of a night on the piss before hand.

Now a important notice. We will be having a meeting for the trip on 19th May. Tuesday. It is commitment day. At this stage accomadation looks like $30 per night. Maybe less yet. I need exact numbers. Even if you are not coming for the trip, come to the meeting. I will confirm where soon. Also put in your calenders a gathering for a few quiet drinks at my place on the 13th of June. We will celebrate my 12th birthday.

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