Friday, August 15, 2008

Thursday 14th August

Only 4 of us last night for the same ride as last Tuesday. I hope the tracks dry soon!!! Rubberjaws, Tinkerbell, Silverfox and Abba plowed up the Rapaki. Wind up our rears in the top section. It was cold at the top so jackets on and off we went. Coming down from Castle Rock to the top of the Bridal Path was a shitter. The wind so strong it was blowing you way off your line. Kept pumping around and down to Dotcom for coffee. A shame that Hotcross Buns was not on duty. Slogged home from there although Abba seemed fresher than when he started. Looking forward to Sundays ride to the Planting at Orton Bradley Park. Only 8 weeks to the trip.

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