Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday 17th June

Geez, Silverfox, The Accountant all met at Rubberjaws and headed up Rapaki. Slowly riding. Rubberjaws was feeling fat and it was a grind. No other riders on the tracks at all which was really weird. Got to the top and decided to ride the road around to the Traverse track due to the rain earlier in the day. Protecting the tracks and all. We got to the start of the track and Rubberjaws discovered the arse had given way in his shorts. It meant that sometimes they would hook up on the seat which was a problem. The track around to the top of Vic was firm but a few wet sections. Good blast really. Down into the rock garden and into the gums. The wettest I have ever found the track. greasy and little grip. The mud just would not leave the tyres. Scared ourselves silly at times and slid rather than rode the track. Discussed options and decided to let the tracks dry, so we rode down the road from the skidder site. Bloomin cold it was the lower we got.

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