Monday, April 10, 2017

Sunday 9th April

Tinks (on his hardtail), Dozer, Pierre (on his new full-sus) and Rubberjaws were all ready to roll outside Rubber's when Mellonfarmer turned up, and Phatboy arrived shortly thereafter. Off round Hanson's Park and up Ramahana.  As soon as they hit the hill Rubbs started getting chest pains and had to slow accordingly.  The rest of the fellas were happy to have a rest while he plodded on, slow and steady.  Then catching him and getting ahead and then waiting while he'd ride on past them at the top of the tarseal, then took a bit to catch him that time reeling him in at the pylons, then onwards and up eventually regrouping at the top. 

Across the road and onto Vernon, good blast around here tho lots of climbers who the crew either had to stop for or off-piste past.  Rubberjawns was feeling gooood at the top of Rapaki, but knew that he'd get the pain again on the next climb, so bailed here.  The rest of the crew continued, with varying degrees of success ranging from total cleanness to a couple of dabs.  On the road, up to Castle, and MF needed a snack.  Then they got into it, MF in the lead, having a great blast down with a good gappage on Phatboy.  MF paused at the first hairpin to see whether he was coming or not, and he showed up and from then on MF could feel him breathing down his neck.  Out onto the road and the crew moseyed around under the gondola and up, Pierre's first time on this section of road since the quakes(!). 

Into the Mt (un)Pleasant singletrack climb, Tinks and Phatboy in the lead, grinding up.  MF was catching up to the hairpin and around then getting gapped again.  Nice break at the top of Pleasant, where Pierre decided he'd backtrack to Bridle Path and head down to meet a mate at the Record Fair.  The remaining 4 headed down Pleasant and had a great blast down through.  A couple of mucky wet spots on the Lyttelton facing section, but all good the rest of the way through the tussocks.  Down to the start of Greenwood and MF led the boys into the new section, weaving back and forth for a start then heading across towards the Richmond Hill pines.  Several very soggy wet bits along this but otherwise all nice rolling.  Then they headed up the other new bit, climbing away towards the original Greenwood entrance.  One very boggy spot just near the top (right before the steepest little pinch).

Onto the road and around to Britten, good blaze down here except for the several quite long soggy sections.  The new blast across the face of the hillside was sweet and the boys enjoyed the new section of trail down to the end.  In particular the last steep rocky bit.  Over the fence, and down onto Longridge, then blast down Mt Pleasant Rd and into Craigieburn and walking the steps and riding the zigs and zags.  Last couple of corners had some sogginess, but the rest of the trail was drier than it ever used to be - drainage work must have worked.  Overgrown by toi toi in places, and one flax stalk got MFer in the chest then Phatboy in the face.  Otherwise and excellent blast down to the bridge, then an even better one from here down, especially the lower section.  Brief regroup before the last straightaway speedfest to the road.

Finally, around the roads, split up at the Ferrymead Bridge, PB and MF taking Humphrey's and Linwood, spinning out the kms home.